Describes those rendezvous in space during which repairs were made to satellites and spacecraft.
Les Satellites
本书共分9章.第1章主要介绍卫星,卫星发射场及卫星测试发射的有关内容;第2章介绍了时间历法等天文学知识;第3章介绍了对航天活动有重大影响的相关空间环境要素 ...
Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum
Reference 7 presents an analysis that optimizes the plane change distribution among the three AVs and optimizes the intermediate apogee radius to minimize the total AV for a specified ratio of final to initial orbit radii and for a ...
3.1.2 Lunar Orbit Within the present work it is to be proven feasible that a transfer orbit design between a particular initial and final orbit utilizing the Weak Stability Boundary methodology can be accomplished .
This handbook, done under the auspices of the International Space University based in France, addresses not only system technologies but also examines market dynamics, technical standards and regulatory constraints.
How Distribution of Commercial Satellite Payloads Between Different Launch Providers Affects the National Space Transportation Policy
Satellite Communications: System and Its Design Technology
This STEM-connected volume explores the complex engineering required to build, test, launch, and analyze satellite systems in use today, and includes a look into where this fascinating technology is headed in the future.
This book looks at the ability to build and operate smaller satellites with current technology to perform covert Space Control and Space Situational Awareness missions near geostationary orbit.