一个没有背景,没有钱,只有满腔热血的旅行狂人,用了半个世纪完成两个伟大的目标.第一,他创下开车环球距离最长的世界纪录,途中曾经误入地雷区,在哥斯大黎加死亡峰发生严重意外 ...
This is not the Grant of his highly-regarded autobiography. He is more relaxed, more casual, and talks more of people than events. This is a Ulysses S. Grant you probably haven't seen before.
本书作者的二十五岁,透过三百多个日子的出走,纪录了世界五大洲二十五个国家不同职业,不同背景,不同肤色,不同性向,不同信仰的同龄年轻人,倾听他们对于人生,对于社会,对于梦想 ...
Voyage d'une famille autour du monde (À bord de son yacht "Le Sunbeam")
The story of Enrique, a young slave who traveled around the world with his master, Ferdinand Magellan, during the first quarter of the sixteenth century.
"Phileas Fogg bets his fortune he can travel across the globe in eighty days.
Philleas Fogg, un excéntrico millonario, ha ofrecido la mitad de su fortuna si es incapaz de darle la vuelta al planeta en ochenta días.
Wind Shadow West
'Phileas Fogg was one of those mathematically exact people, who, never hurried and always ready, are economical of their steps and their motions.
Included in this book is Dampier's journal of his voyage in the South Seas from 1681 to 1691, complete with his annotations and illustrations, published here for the first time.