In his thought- provoking and humorous debut, Collias provides readers with a collection of highly entertaining verse examining life in the Sunshine State- residents, locations, plant and animal life, and much more. Though its focus is on life as a Floridian, many of the collections topics- ranging from rapidly disappearing plant and animal habitats to the constant influx of new residents- will resonate with readers from every corner of the globe.
Gathers poems on a variety of subjects including love, marriage, parenthood,odern life, animals, aging, travel, work, and food.
More than half of these pop sonnets are exclusive to this collection and have never been published in any form.
An unrivaled, fun-filled collection of quirky poems, inspired by some of America's favorite TV shows & personalities, past & present.
Give Back My Body: Parodies, Light Verse, and Some Poems by an Aging Poetaster