This text presents the history and development of public relations, an introduction to communication theory, persuasion and research methods as well as an overview of practical topics.
王(语气诚恳):我是娱乐司户王副经理。我想李总约个时间见见面,想请李总加我们的员俱乐。我们娱乐司是一档的员俱乐,设先进华,各口味的菜肴和各娱乐戏应有尽有,加我们的员俱乐,可受......秘书打了小王的话。秘书:我知道了,王经理。李总正在开,等开, ...
The new book provides information, case studies, charts, tables, graphs, market data and opinions based on the knowledge of nineteen U.S. Hispanic market experts. Proceeds will benefit the Hispanic Marketing...
Public Relations Writing and Media Techniquesis the most comprehensive and up-to-date PR writing text available, with real-world examples of outstanding work by public relations professionals. The text thoroughly integrates new...
The purpose of this text is to provide a resource for training police officers in the complexity of community and human relations. The text recognizes that law enforcement is faced...
Police and the Media: Bridging Troubled Waters
Emerging issues in the external environment have more influence on the future of corporations than do their CEO's and strategic management team. As a result, corporate executives must anticipate and...
Public stunts and all-for-fun, utterly nonpoliticized publicity bashes can be a great way to promote a library to a community, get people to see the library in a different light...
Bill Clinton is the embodiment and epitome of American politics in the postmodern, mediated age. Clinton's able marshaling of images, which allowed him to retain popularity and position when faced...
Public relations has been growing in importance as an element of a company's or institution's communication whether internally, with other corporations or with society beyond their immediate environment. Encompassing issues...