This non-rigorous, yet accurate presentation of the applications of calculus to technologies is exceptionally student-oriented. The presentation is clear and concise, the examples are worked in great detail (enhanced by marginal annotations), and step-by-step procedures are used whenever possible. While the approach is accessible and intuitive, the author has retained the TTspiritTT of the calculus by use of historical notes, interesting asides, and informal motivations.
Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN 0-13-092015 - O Pearson Education Ltd. , London Pearson Education Australia Pty . Ltd. , Sydney Pearson Education ...
Student's Solution Manual to Accompany Calculus With Applications and Calculus With Applications Brief Version
Printed test bank Mary Margaret Shoaf-Grubbs, Addison-Wesley Publishing Co. (Firm). 18. Find the Maclaurin Series for xcosx a. X (-l)n32n+1x2n + 2 n = 0 (2n + l)! b. X (-l)n 32n + l x2n + l n=0 (2n+l)! X (-1)" .2n n = 0 (2n)! d.
Calculus Connections: A Multimedia Adventure : Laboratory Workbook & Program Documentation
"Calculus connections provides a dynamic and powerful way to connect calculus to your everyday life"--Container.
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