In this current and scholarly text, authors Eric Mash and David Wolfe achieve a balance between developmental, clinical-diagnostic, and experimental approaches to child and adolescent psychopathology. The book traces the developmental course of each disorder and shows how biological, psychological, and sociocultural factors interact with the child's environment. First-person accounts and cases enrich the reader's understanding of what children and adolescents with disorders experience, emphasizing the strengths of individual children. Case materials are integrated throughout each chapter to help students understand the chapter's key topics. Engaging "first-person" accounts frequently introduce the chapters and reflect the authors' clinical experience. In every disorder chapter, the authors present an overview of the most empirically supported approaches to intervention. The authors discuss the unique as well as general aspects of major intervention strategies for each disorder. The authors pay attention to risk and protective factors and the conditions that lead to effective coping in some children, despite adverse early circumstances. The authors have organized the book into logical five-part structure: Understanding Abnormal Child Psychology, Behavioral Disorders (ADHD and disruptive behavior disorders), Emotional Disorders (anxiety and mood disorders), Developmental and Learning Disorders (mental retardation, autism, childhood-onset schizophrenia, and communication and learning disorders), and Problems Related to Physical and Mental Health (health-related disorders, eating disorders, and child abuse and neglect). This organization provides students with a framework for understanding the disorders that will enhance their mastery of the material.
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为什么她刚才还对我柔情似水,顷刻间又要将我撕成碎片?为什么他原本称赞我才华横溢,转眼又骂我卑鄙可耻?为什么她害怕孤单,不能忍受冷落?为什么他说所有的不幸都是因为 ...
王女士说:“其实说实话,刚开始幼儿园老师说我家孩子是个捣乱分子时,我心里挺不能接受的。孩子是我从小一手带大的,他是不大喜欢和别的小朋友一块玩,但是,也绝对不会去打人踢人啊。不过,老师一而再再而三地找到我们,还说其他小朋友的家长因为我儿子的事找了 ...
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The development of conditions of worth Conditions of worth develop in the person when he selectively responds to his self - experiences as more or less worthy of positive regard . If a child always experienced unconditional positive ...
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This state-of-the-art volume also includes the latest research on the major childhood disorders and discusses the three most popular treatment approaches.