Comprehensive and modern, this new edition of Charles Zastrow's Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare, Seventh Edition is in step with the current state of social work in contemporary society. The issues that affect people in need are presented in the context of the values, ethics, and knowledge base of today's professional social worker. The book's up-to-date coverage and its social problems approach, along with Zastrow's easy-reading style, make it an enduring favorite in preparing students for the rewards and the challenges of the real world of social work.The Seventh Edition has been completely updated, and now features international perspectives as well as many new discussions of key trends in the field. Just some of the topics Zastrow covers include: Generalist Practice, Spirituality, The strengths perspective, Managed care, Child molestation, rape, and incest, Diversity, The criminal justice system, populations at risk, Ethnic-sensitive social work practice, Proposed welfare alternatives, Institutional racism, Depression in the Elderly, and The population crisis and the future.Using a social problems approach, the book presents useful tools for social work intervention that readers can use in helping to facilitate positive changes. As students come face to face with the harsh realities of today's social problems, they become familiar with the social services and programs they'll encounter in helping people overcome their troubles. As they learn more about the shortcomings and benefits of the social services, they begin to think critically about new ways to solve problems.
In addition to giving readers a thorough overview of the social work profession, this text offers a realistic view of social problems in contemporary society, equipping students with real-world insight that they can apply in practice.
In addition to giving readers a thorough overview of the social work profession, this text offers a realistic view of social problems in contemporary society, equipping students with real-world insight that they can apply in practice.
This new third edition is an up-to-date profile of the world in which today’s social workers practice, with current demographic, statistical, legislative, policy, and research information; sensitive discussions of contemporary ethical ...
This fifth edition is completely updated in every chapter, and includes practice concepts, social welfare policy concepts, history and current state of the profession, the contexts of practice and populations served, and professional ...
Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People
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... the social context to allow for higherlevel changes in social problems? (Stotzer & Alvarez, 2009, p. 324) Lee viewed social workers as professionals with responsibilities involving community practice, social action, and leadership.
Part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this edition is up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended behaviors outlined in the current Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards (EPAS) set by the ...
This introductory social work book provides both a theoretical and applied overview of the U.S. social welfare system, with international perspectives throughout.
This book is written as an alternative to the market leader, Zastrow, which is highly dense introduction to the social welfare system and social work.