This book has been designed to present the material, reinforce major concepts, and test student understanding using a variety of instructional methods and features. The authors had seven objectives in writing this text: 1.) To teach students the language of algebra--how to read, write, speak, and think mathematically (Graphics, examples, and Study Sets throughout text emphasize key phrase and translation); 2.) To use a group of fundamental algebraic concepts as the foundation of the text (introduce equations, variables, problem solving, functions, and graphing in Chapter 1) and constantly reinforce those major concepts of algebra throughout the text (Key Concept feature); 3.) To aid student comprehension and confidence by introducing concepts in one context and revisiting throughout the book in other contexts (coverage of problem solving is one good example); 4.) To gain and keep students' attention through creative applications (See any Applications section in Study Sets), an interactive approach to instruction (Self Checks), and a visually appealing design; 5.) To have top-notch problem sets (purposefully named Study Sets, not Problem or Exercise Sets) that break learning into smaller pieces so that students do not become overwhelmed; 6.) To constantly show how the material being studied can be used to solve real-world problems; 7.) To blend traditional and reform instructional approaches--from vocabulary, practice, and well-defined pedagogy to place an emphasis on problem solving, reasoning, communicating, and technology (Study Sets).
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra: Concepts and Applications: A Combined Approach
The Carson Algebra Series guides students to success by presenting the why behind understanding algebra, and includes the complete Carson Math Study System with a Learning Styles Inventory to address individual learning styles.
Practice is essential in making these connections and it is emphasized in ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, 5e, with additional practice problems both in the text and Enhanced WebAssign.
Elementary and Intermediate Algebra, 5th edition, by Baratto, Bergman, and Hutchison is part of the latest offerings in the successful Hutchison Series in Mathematics.
The text is known for its two-column example format that provides annotations to the left of the algebra.
Discussions throughout the text have been thoroughly revised for brevity and accessibility. Whenever possible, a visual example or diagram is used to explain concepts and procedures.
Also available with MyMathLab MyMathLab is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results.
This volume is a textbook for both the beginning algebra and the intermediate algebra classes.
Feel confident about your skills through additional practice in the text and Enhanced WebAssign. With ELEMENTARY AND INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, 5E, algebra will make sense because it is not just about the's also about the WHY.
By writing this text from the ground up as a single textbook, George has reduced the amount of overlap typically found in these courses and focused instead on providing more exercises and applications.