Social Problems: Issues and Solutions

Social Problems: Issues and Solutions
Social Problems
Deviant behavior
Wadsworth Publishing Company
Charles Zastrow


Preface. 1. THE SOCIOLOGY OF SOCIAL PROBLEMS. The Sociological Approach. Social Movements and Social Problems. Consequences of Actions Taken on Social Problems. Perspectives on Social Problems and Social Programs. Sociological Perspectives on Social Problems. Research on Social Problems. PART ONE: DEVIANCE AND SOCIAL VARIATIONS. 2. CRIME AND DELINQUENCY. The Nature and Extent of Crime. Crime Causation Theories. Types of Crimes. The Criminal Justice System. How to Reduce Crime and Delinquency. 3. EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL PROBLEMS. The Nature and Extent of Emotional and Behavioral Problems. Mental Health Issues. Social Structure and Mental Illness. Treatment. 4. DRUG ABUSE. Drugs and Society. Facts about and Effects of Commonly Used Drugs. Rehabilitation Programs. Suggestions for Curbing Drug Abuse in the Future. 5. VARIATIONS IN HUMAN SEXUALITY. Sex in History and in other Cultures. Sex Variances Rather Than Sex Problems. Tolerated Sex Variance. Asocial Sex Variance. Structural Sex Variance. Personal Sexual Concerns. PART TWO: INEQUALITY PROBLEMS. 6. RACISM AND ETHNOCENTRISM. Ethnic Groups and Ethnocentrism. Prejudice, Discrimination, and Oppression. Background of Racial Groups. Strategies for Advancing Social and Economic Justice. The Future of American Race and Ethnic Relations. 7. SEXISM. The History of Sexism. Sexual Harassment. Sex Roles and Sexism: Biology or Socialization? Consequences of Sexism. Recent Developments and the Future. 8. AGEISM. An Overview. Problems Faced by the Elderly. Current Services. The Future. 9. POVERTY. Poverty in the United States. Programs to Combat Poverty. PART THREE: TROUBLED INSTITUTIONS. 10. FAMILY. The American Family: Past and Present. Problems in the Family. Social Change and the Future of the American Family. 11. HEALTH CARE. Physical Illnesses and the Health Care System. Problems in Health Care. AIDS. Proposed Programs to Combat Health Care. 12. EDUCATION. Problem Areas in Education. Improving Education. Toward Equal Educational Opportunity. 13. BIG BUSINESS, TECHNOLOGY, AND WORK. Big Business. Technology. Work. Problems with Work. Regulating Big Business and Technological Development. Current and Proposed "Solutions" to Work Problems. PART FOUR: PROBLEMS OF A CHANGING WORLD. 14. VIOLENCE, TERRORISM, AND WAR. Types of Violence. Causes of Violence. Approaches to Reducing Violence. 15. URBAN PROBLEMS. History of Cities. Urban and Rural Areas Defined. An Urbanizing World. Theories on the Effects of Urbanism. Problems Confronting Central Cities. Strategies to Improve Urban Areas. 16. POPULATION. Rapid Population Growth and Overpopulation. 17. ENVIRONMENT. Environmental Problems. General Pollutants. Confronting Environmental Problems. EPILOGUE. GLOSSARY. NOTES. PHOTO CREDITS. NAME INDEX. SUBJECT INDEX.

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