Western Civilization: To 1500

Western Civilization: To 1500
Western Civilization
Civilization, Western
Wadsworth Publishing Company
Jackson J. Spielvogel


This is Volume A (chapters 1-12) of the best-selling Western civilization text that has helped hundreds of thousands of students learn about the present by exploring the past. Jack Spielvogel's engaging, chronological narrative weaves the political, economic, social, religious, intellectual, cultural, and military aspects of history into a gripping story that is as memorable as it is instructive. Each chapter offers a substantial introduction and conclusion that sparks students' imaginations by giving them a context within which to understand these disparate themes. And while the single-author narrative makes it easy for students to follow the story of Western civilization, Spielvogel has included dozens of maps and primary sources--including official documents, poems, and songs--that enliven the past while introducing students to the challenges involved in interpreting history. This text is available in many split options: WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Comprehensive, Fifth Edition (Chapters 1-29), ISBN: 0-534-60006-9 WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Volume I, To 1715, Fifth Edition (Chapters 1-16), ISBN: 0-534-60007-7 WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Volume II, Since 1550, Fifth Edition (Chapters 13-29), ISBN: 0-534-60008-5 WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Volume A: To 1500, Fifth Edition (Chapters 1-12), ISBN: 0-534-52949-6 WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Volume B: 1300-1815, Fifth Edition (Chapters 11-19), ISBN: 0-534-52950-X WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Volume C: Since 1789, Fifth Edition (Chapters 19-29), ISBN: 0-534-52952-6 WESTERN CIVILIZATION, Since 1300, Fifth Edition (Chapters 11-29), ISBN: 0-534-60010-7

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