Through the use of current issues, such as the Black Lives Matter movement, efforts to reform sentencing and reduce prison populations, and the impact of new technologies, this book highlights societal developments that pose new challenges ...
This book features unique graphics and contemporary data and research, developed by Joycelyn Pollock, criminologist, and University Distinguished Professor of Criminal Justice, Texas State University.
The Public Opinion Quarterly 61 (1): 16–53. Seligman, Clive, and Albert N. Katz. 1996. “The Dynamics of Value Systems,” in The Psychology of Values, ed. C. Seligman, J. M. Olson, and M. P. Zanna. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum: 53–75.
The criminal justice system¿from the law to daily operations of the police, courts, and corrections¿generally comes down hardest on those with the least amount of power and influence and is the most lenient with those with the most power ...
This text offers a concise, affordable and reader-friendly introduction to the criminal justice system.
In Criminal Justice in America, Pound recognizes the dangers law faces when it does not keep pace with societal change.
This work offers a thorough introduction to the field of criminal justice, including types of crime; policing; courts and sentencing; landmark legal decisions; and local, state, and federal corrections systems--and the key topics and issues ...
Rule of law has vanished in America’s criminal justice system. Prosecutors decide whom to punish; most accused never face a jury; policing is inconsistent; plea bargaining is rampant; and draconian...
The Origins of Police Institutions From the late 13th century through the 18th century, England and its colonies utilized the parish-constable watch system of law enforcement (Samaha 1994). Under this system, each parish or town would ...
This book offers a history of crime and the criminal justice system in America, written particularly for students of criminal justice and those interested in the history of crime and punishment.