In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function within families, groups, organizations and communities during the key stages of the human life span. Zastrow, a member of the CSWE Commission on Accreditation, and Kirst-Ashman, a CSWE Board member, incorporate the most recent CSWE curriculum recommendations throughout. Using an effective, chronological life-span approach, the authors present separate chapters on biological, psychological, and social impacts at the different life-span stages. Chapter One introduces a practical Systems Impact Model that students can apply throughout the book to help them understand individual behavior in macro, mezzo, and micro settings. Consistent with the curriculum policy statements of the CSWE, content on social work values and ethics, diversity, social and economic justice and populations-at-risk is also includes. Zastrow and Kirst-Ashman make theories relevant to myriad practice settings by providing case examples, illustrations, photos, and exercises in every chapter. With thorough coverage of theories at all levels (micro, mezzo, macro) the book is comprehensive and balanced and provides students with a sound base on which to build assessment skills.
As part of the Brooks/Cole Empowerment Series, this edition is completely up to date and thoroughly integrates the core competencies and recommended practice behaviors outlined in the 2008 Educational Policy and Accreditation Standards ...
Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Student Manual of Classroom Exercises and Study Guide
Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment, Student Manual of Classroom Exercises and Study Guide
İnsan davranışı ve sosyal çevre I-II
Behavior Assessment Guide
The text challenges you to think critically about how macro systems affect human behavior and ultimately, the practice of social work.
Mental Health Clinical Status refers to the classifications and severity of mental health problems ( Rosenblatt , 1997 , pp . 11-13 ) . For lite satisfaction and fulfillment we are focusing on subjective appraisal of well - being ...
Cognitive-behavioral Interviewing for Adult Disorders: A Practical Handbook