This page-turning saga brings the past alive, from the first human civilizations to the present. Jackson J. Spielvogel's best-selling Western Civilization is a rich and balanced narrative chronicling 6,000 years of history from the first human civilizations to the dramatic events signaling the end of our millennium. Acclaimed by students and instructors alike for its power and clarity, this book is your essential resource for mastering the material in the Western civilization course. Spielvogel's writing will draw you into the political, economic, social, military, cultural, intellectual, and religious aspects of each time period. Each chapter includes many primary sources that offer vivid, first-hand glimpses of the people and their times. Beautifully drawn maps, timelines, chronologies, and anecdotes add to the multi-faceted excellence of a book that brings the past alive. And now, this Fourth Edition helps you connect the past to the vast resources of the Internet with an exciting website and InfoTrac College Edition links in every chapter. - Back cover.
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy
A fun and accessible guide to the history of the universe, this book is suitable for children aged 7 and above.Anna Claybourne is a children's author who has written non-fiction books on a wide variety of topics, including science and ...
HIST110: The Pre-modern World
... 361 Henry VIII ( England ) , 280 , 284 , 285 humanism and , 294 Protestant Reformation and , 303–304 Henry Guise , 318 Henry of Anjou . See Henry II ( England ) Henry of Germany , at Bologna university , 205 Henry of Navarre .
Ricci and Ruggieri " found themselves face to face with people of a culture older than their own - with people who were convinced that theirs was a superior culture to that of outer barbarians , among whom by their first instinct were ...
Mel Friedman. Index B bushido 10 , 32 Minamoto Yoshitsune 18-22 Miyamoto Musashi 28-32 E emperor ( of Prince Yamato ) 7 , 8 , 9 ( of Minamoto ) 12-15 , 22 R ronin 29 , 31 S samurai code 10 , 32-33 shogun ( first ) 22 ( of Musashi ) 27 ...
king's sister . He the king has no doubt that his successor is a son of his sister , while he is not certain that his son is in fact his own . 998 A council of ministers assisted the king in the work of government , and from the ninth ...
Voor dit boek voerde Rob Riemen indringende vraaggesprekken met negentien bijzondere vrienden. Het zijn uitgevers, musici, schrijvers, filosofen, wetenschappers en een vakbondsman, die met hun intellectuele, politieke of artistieke talenten...