Practical and inspiring, this best-selling book helps students learn to cope with experiences associated with death, dying, and bereavement. The authors integrate classical and contemporary material, present task-based approaches for individual and family coping, and include four substantial chapters devoted to death-related issues faced by children, adolescents, adults, and the elderly. They also offer practical guidelines for constructive communication designed to encourage productive living in the face of death.
哀伤的艺术: 用美的方式重构丧失体验
Award-winning guide to coping with the death of a treasured pet.
Todd : Mom is a big one on propriety and manners and all that . She comes from upbringing where you didn't make a scene about anything and you always behaved yourself properly . Iris : She didn't say that I behaved improperly , but I ...
R.G. Ingersoll , “ The House of Death ” O thou , who art the inspirer of the faith that burns ever more brightly within the souls of men , unto thee do we turn in this time of testing . Within us do well up the great mysteries of the ...
Jamie remembers the special times they shared and Grama's stories about following “our old Indian way” such as gathering berries, birch barks for baskets, and sap for maple sugar. While singing a song in the woods, Jamie sees a fox and ...
2 Cape adan Angarrack didn't mind the rain . Nor did he mind the spectacle that he knew he presented to the limited world of Casvelyn . He trundled along on his freestyle BMX , with his knees rising to the height of his waist and his ...
Thirteen-year-old Zinnia Taylor uncovers family secrets and self truths while clearing a mysterious settler trail that begins on her family's farm in Kentucky.
Aucune nacre dans la chaîne , fit - il en hissant son butin hors de l'eau . Teiki exhibait sa bouée crevée ( ce pourquoi elle avait coulé , d'ailleurs ) et un long chapelet de coquillages ronds et plats , recouverts de mousse verte .
... with Loss : Healing with Hope - A Jewish Perspective , as well 130 other “ experts ” on grief . ISBN 1-892123-41 - X 90000 CAPITAL BOOKS , INC . 22841 Quicksilver Drive Sterling , VA 20166 9 " 781892 " 123411.
Cavanaugh S. The diagnosis and treatment of depression in the medically ill . In : Guggenheim F , Weiner MF , eds . Manual of Psychiatric Consultation and Emergency Care . New York , NY : Jason Aronson ; 1984 : 211-222 . 34.