Newman and Newman take a chronological approach to the study of the lifespan, drawing on the writings of Erik Erikson, whose psychosocial theory provides a conceptual framework for the text.
This book examines whether work experiences and age (often considered as a proxy for stage in the work career) interact such that the effects of occupational conditions on the person
Personality Development Through the Life Span
Intrinsic/extrinsic in Europe. London: Grandparents Plus. Retrieved on 30th January 2012 from http:// uploads/2011/03/-Grandparenting-in- Europe-executive-summary.pdf. I/Erevised and single-item ...
The book begins with chapters on personality development in different life phases before moving on to theoretical perspectives, the development of specific personality characteristics, and personality development in relation to different ...
0., 89 Edmonds, L. D., 75 Edwards, I. D., 549 Edwards, I. N., 514 Edwards, R., 317 Edwards, V., 167 Egeland, B. R., ... S. F., 547 Ernst, I. M., 415 Eron, L. D., 325 Erting, C., 142 Erwin, H. E., 266 Eryuksel, G., 169 Eskenazi, B., ...
Key human development theories that continue to guide research and practice are examined in this engaging text.
Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach
Study Guide to Accompany Development Through Life: A Psychosocial Approach
The book addresses urban transformations towards sustainability in light of challenges of global urbanization processes and the consequences of global environmental change.
The seventh edition comes with significant revision of cognitive development throughout childhood, revised and updated chapters on adolescence, and more attention to emerging and early adulthood.