This is Volume I (to 1877) of THE AMERICAN PAST: A SURVEY OF AMERICAN HISTORY, Seventh Edition. Now in its Seventh Edition, Conlin's introductory American history text continues to offer a colorful and engaging look at the individuals, events, and ideas that have shaped our nation's past. Accessible and lively, it emphasizes political history, yet provides balanced coverage of social, cultural, economic, intellectual, constitutional, diplomatic, and military events. Consistent scholarship and a unique organization make this book comprehensive and manageable, while new chronologies offer students quick reference and easy review of the major events and movements covered in each chapter. The text benefits from Conlin's literary narrative, which lends a unifying voice that captures and holds students' interest. THE AMERICAN PAST: A SURVEY OF AMERICAN HISTORY, SEVENTH EDITION is available in the following split options: THE AMERICAN PAST: A SURVEY OF AMERICAN HISTORY, Comprehensive, Seventh Edition (Chapters 1-51), ISBN: 0534621368; THE AMERICAN PAST, VOLUME I: TO 1877, Seventh Edition (Chapters 1-25), ISBN: 0534621376; THE AMERICAN PAST, VOLUME II: SINCE 1865, Seventh Edition (Chapters 25-51), ISBN: 0534621384.
... Richard O'Connor , The First Hurrah : A Biography of Alfred E. Smith ... see Timberlake , Prohibition and the Progressive Movement , already cited ...
How old was Frost when his first collection of poetry , A Boy's Will , was published ? A. 17 B. 23 C. 30 D. 39 Painting in America has seen a number of ...
... Dem Rep Dem Dem Dem Rep Republican 67th 1921–1923 Warren G. Hardinga Calvin Coolidge Rep Rep William Howard Taft ( 1921–1930 ) Republican William Howard ...
Casey ( 1992 ) , Justices O'Connor , Anthony Kennedy , and David Souter , in a jointly authored opinion , wrote that Pennsylvania could limit abortions as long as its regulations did not pose “ an undue burden ” on pregnant women.105 ...
Pennsylvania Senate Bob Casey ( D ) Rick Santorum ( R ) Rhode Island Senate Lincoln Chafee ( R ) Sheldon Whitehouse ( D ) New York Governor Eliot Spitzer ( D ) John Faso ( R ) Santorum , one of the most ...
Known for its focus on the environment & the land, the text is also praised for its coverage of cultural history, public health, & medicine. This edition brings the work fully up-to-date.
Student Guide with Map Exercises to Accompany The Enduring Vision, a History of the American People, Concise Second Edition, Paul...
Student Guide with Map Exercises to Accompany The Enduring Vision, a History of the American People, Paul S. Boyer [and...
Student Guide with Map Exercises to Accompany The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People. To 1877 [by] Paul...
Instructor's Guide to Accompany The Enduring Vision: A History of the American People [by] Paul S. Boyer [and Others]