Filled with updated research and findings, the Eighth Edition of Schultz and Schultz's THEORIES OF PERSONALITY gives students a clear and cogent introduction to this dynamic field. Organized by theory, this popular text discusses major theorists who represent psychoanalytic, neopsychoanalytic, life-span, trait, humanistic, cognitive, behavioral, and social-learning approaches, while demonstrating the influence of events in theorists' personal and professional lives on the development of these theories. The book also explores the ways in which race, gender, and cultural issues play a part in the study of personality and in personality assessment, and includes numerous examples, tables, and figures that further enhance students' understanding of the content. The final chapter, Personality in Perspective, integrates topics explored in previous chapters and suggests conclusions that can be drawn from the many theorists' work.
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In this best-selling text BY social workers and FOR social workers, Charles Zastrow and Karen K. Kirst-Ashman, nationally prominent social work educators and authors, guide studetns in assessing and evaluating how individuals function ...
Kiev , A. ( 1980 , September ) . The courage to live . Cosmopolitan , pp . 301-308 . Kim , N. , Stanton , B. , Li , X. , Dickersin , K. , & Galbraith , J. ( 1997 ) . Effectiveness of the 40 adolescent AIDS - risk reduction interventions ...
美国“成人教育之父”戴尔·卡耐基所著,汇集了卡耐基的思想精华和激动人心的内容,是作者成功的励志经典,书的目的就是帮助解决所面临的大问题。如何在日常生活、商务活动 ...
《同理心》一书通过两大部分介绍了如何发现和运用你与生俱来的同理心。作者辛迪·戴尔是享誉全球的作家、愈师和咨询师,将自己多年临床经验进行案例分析,并结合其他心理学 ...
本书以社交与口才为基点,结合了心理学、人际关系学等知识,通过许多成功人士的事例激励人们克服畏惧、建立自信,扩展人脉关系,发挥潜能和智慧,在各种场合下发表恰当的谈 ...
本书记录了在美国内华达大学开展的为期10周的文化模拟实验项目,展现了不同群体之间迅速确立文化界限并强烈捍卫自己文化的过程 ...
Schopler , J. , Insko , C. A. , Graetz , K. A. , Drigotas , S. , Smith , V. A. , & Dahl , K. ( 1993 ) . Individual - group discontinuity : Further evidence for mediation by fear and greed . Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin ...
According to Segal and Stewart ( 1996 ) , chemical substances pose a profound threat to the health of adolescents , because substance abuse affects metabolism , internal organs , the central nervous system , emotional functioning ...
The essays are arranged so that disciplines and themes interralate--each essay enhances the previous work and introduces the next. Overall, the book is arranged into three systematic approaches to gender studies.