News for Now helps learners read, use, and enjoy English through the study of articles adapted from U.S. newspapers.
Jacob, Mitch, 48 Jacoby, Jim, 160 Jagger, Mick, 107 Jarvis, Jeff, 9 Jennings, Peter, 171, 174, 175, 220 Johnson, Bruce, 44, 45, 69 Johnson, Elias, 76, 193 Johnson, Lyndon B., 224 Johnson, Sherrie, 167 ... Labreque, Denise, 35 Lee ...
-- Walter Cronkite
This was not quite how Dominic Lawson remembered things when he was editor of the Sunday Telegraph, later telling a House of Lords committee that Aidan Barclay had asked him not to run a story about the then home secretary, ...
News for Now 1
Good News for Now
The primary focus of the series is on reading comprehension, vocabulary expansion, and skill building, but a secondary focus is on how to read newspaper articles.
elect Charlie Crist, for example, announced in late 2006 a plan to create a state Office of Open Government to train public employees on open-records and -meetings requirements and ensure compliance with those laws.
Robertson , Morgan M. 2006. " The Nature That Capital Can See : Science , State and Market in the Commodification of Ecosystem Services . " Environment and Planning D : Society and Space 24 ( 3 ) : 367-387 . Robertson , Morgan M. 2007.
This collection celebrates GNN's 20th anniversary of publishing positive news from around the world at Founded in 1997 by former TV news editor Geri Weis-Corbley, these are among her favorite GNN stories from two decades.
'This book couldn't be more needed right now!