... Nixon Hubert Humphrey Lyndon Johnson Eugene McCarthy Nelson Rockfeller Ronald Reagan George Romney 70.1 66.5 61.7 ... 91.2 56.6 85.8 82.7 54.0 53.5 41.8 50.2 13.2 George Wallace Edmund Muskie Spiro Agnew Curtis LeMay 61.4 50.4 35.2 ...
In fact , most of the Democratic senators who preceded Senator Denton won with over 80 percent of the popular vote . In what sense , then , could it be said that political parties structured that contest for office ?
Encyclopedia of American political parties and elections / Larry J. Sabato, Howard R. Ernst. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-8160-5875-X (hardcover : alk. paper) 1. Political parties—United States— ...
He was wanting to work with both parties and I get it , personally . He had ... a little elephant that was red and he had a big elephant that was red and blue . Then he had a smaller elephant that was blue . That's not going to work . a ...
Parties and Elections in an Anti-party Age: American Politics and the Crisis of Confidence
American Parties and Elections
See Peter Hart's comments in the Presidential Campaign Hotline , January 25 , 1988 , p . 19 . 30. Howell Raines , " Hart Scores Upset with 41 % in New Hampshire Primary , " New York Times , February 29 , 1984 , p . A1 . 31. Mickey Kaus ...
In Congressional Elections , edited by L. Sandy Maisel and Joseph Cooper . Beverly Hills , Calif .: Sage . ... Abramowitz , Alan I. , and Kyle L. Saunders . 1998. ... In The President and the Public , edited by Doris A. Graber .
This book provides an excellent account of how political parties in Western Europe are perceiving and are responding to these contemporary challenges of electoral dealignment.
Cain , Bruce E. , and John Ferejohn . 1981. “ Party Identification in the United States and Britain . ” Comparative Political Studies 14 : 31–47 . Campbell , Angus , Philip E. Converse , Warren E. Miller , and Donald E. Stokes . 1960.
This book will be of particular interest to students and scholars of US politics and elections, and to general interest readers.