... Rosi Kerr, David Mbora, Jill Mikucki, Terry Osborne, Darren Ranco, Bill Roebuck, Jack Shepherd, Chris Sneddon, Scott Stokoe, Ross Virginia, and D.G. Webster for all sorts of contributions to my teaching in general and to this book.
Essentials of Environmental Science, Second Edition
This practical manual draws on contributions from leading experts in each field, to present both general and specific environmental methods and techniques within a unique interdisciplinary environmental perspective.
Essentials of Environmental Science + Hot, Flat, and Crowded (Collegiate)
Essentials of Ecology and Environmental Science
This revised fifth edition, is a lucid presentation of the fundamental concepts and principles of ecology and environmental science.
The forthcoming companion website for this edition will provide additional resources and learning aids, including PowerPoints, an instructor's manual, test questions, and flashcards.
"With this volume, we aim to meet the needs of instructors who favor a more succinct and afford-able book.
Essentials of Environmental Science + Portal Access Card
Instructors and students using the text can download a complementary set of PowerPoint presentations which go with each chapter to illustrate concepts.