Research Navigatorâ„¢ is designed to help you with the research process, from identifying a topic to editing the final draft.
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Research Navigator Guide for Social Gerontology: A Multidisciplinary Perspective
A handbook that promotes the art of good speaking, Pocket Guide to Technical Presentations provides basic guidelines that foster confidence. Up-to-date information in a simple, straightforward format-you will learn... Bar for Refresh Home Print Mail 3 http : // www ... Microsoft Office Microsoft Apple Pearson Custom Publishing Cite Help Pollution : The dirtying or defiling of the environment by humans .
Throughout the text, students perform tried and true activities and exercises that enhance insight and knowledge about their campus and themselves.
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This introductory text, written from a conflict perspective, emphasizes four themes: diversity, the struggle to achieve social justice, economic and global transformations in the U.S., and a global perspective. In...
Political Science: OneSearch with Research Navigator 2005