Literacy is over 95 % , almost all villages have access to school and modern health services , and women have achieved high offices in the land and are as well educated as the men . Even though Kerala must be considered a poor country ...
... Rosi Kerr, David Mbora, Jill Mikucki, Terry Osborne, Darren Ranco, Bill Roebuck, Jack Shepherd, Chris Sneddon, Scott Stokoe, Ross Virginia, and D.G. Webster for all sorts of contributions to my teaching in general and to this book.
Essentials of Environmental Science is divided into three main sections covering the Cellular and Chemical basis of life, Biological Communities, Structure and Functional aspects of Ecosystem, Biogeochemical cycling and Natural...
Essentials of Environmental Studies
This revised fifth edition, is a lucid presentation of the fundamental concepts and principles of ecology and environmental science.
Donahue, Roy L., Miller, Raymond W., and Shickluna, John C. 1958. ... Lave, Lester B., Hendrickson, Chris T., and McMichael, Francis Clay. 1995. ... 'Fertilizer nutrients as contaminants in water supplies,' in Brady, Nyle C. (ed.) ...
This practical manual draws on contributions from leading experts in each field, to present both general and specific environmental methods and techniques within a unique interdisciplinary environmental perspective.
Produced by Health Protection England, Essentials of Environmental Science for Public Health offers a comprehensive and structured approach to understanding environmental public health issues and will be essential reading for all students ...
Help Students Connect Current Environmental Issues to the Science Behind Them Environment: The Science behind the Stories is a best seller for the introductory environmental science course known for its student-friendly narrative style, its ...
Health Sciences & Professions
Essentials of Environmental Science (Loose Leaf)