Teach your students the human relation skills they need to become successful managers in today's workplace with one of the most widely used human relations texts available. Reece/Brandt/Howie's HUMAN RELATIONS, 11E, International Edition uses an organizational perspective to help students understand the disparate factors that influence employee behavior. As one of the most practical and applied texts available, HUMAN RELATIONS, 11E, International Edition incorporates hundreds of examples of real human relations issues and practices in successful companies.This edition establishes seven major themes of effective human relations — communication, self-awareness, self-acceptance, motivation, trust, self-disclosure, and conflict resolution — as the foundation for study. Self-assessments and self-development opportunities throughout the book teach students to assume responsibility for improving their personal skills and competencies.This comprehensive edition addresses topics of emerging importance with expanded coverage of generational differences. The text also explores goal-setting, the root causes of negative attitudes, the use of "branding" in the job market, technostress, and emotional intelligence. With HUMAN RELATIONS, 11E, International Edition, your students gain the insights, knowledge and relationship skills to deal successfully with the wide range of people-related challenges in business today.
This text examines human relations by integrating key components of successful relationships: internal influences on thoughts, feelings, and behaviors ; external or sociocultural influences and communication principles and skill building.
The Fourth Edition of this highly successful textbook provides a unique and comprehensive introduction to the study and understanding of human relationships.
Reading Book for Human Relations Training
This study was the beginning of research into the human relations factors in business. Several conclusions were drawn which helped develop subsequent personnel counseling programs. It was shown that increased work group cohesiveness ...
Underlying all these essays is a concern with the relation between the genders: the effect men have on women, and the ways in which men limit and frame women’s lives.
This contemporary text will connect you with current human relations issues and the challenges your students will encounter in the twenty-first century.
88; Mike Brewster, “The Freelance Conundrum,” Inc., December 2004. p.38. Jeffrey Pfeffer, The Human Equation (Boston: Harvard Business School Press, 1998), p. 293. Jeff Pettit, “Team Communication: It's in the Cards,” Training ...
Gatz and Pearson (1988) suggest that this may not reflect “professional ageism,” but rather a tendency to exaggerate the competency and excuse the failings of older clients (in an effort to be nondiscriminatory).
Bach, David, 388 Baldrige, Letitia, 242 Ball, Aimee Lee, 80 Bandura, Albert, 79 Barnes, Brenda, 376 Barra, Mary, 99, ... Deepak, 221 Christensen, Kathleen, 376 Clark, Dorie, 390 Clarke, Bruce, 122 Clarke, Dorie, 169 Clifton, Donald, 86, ...
Spiritual Roots of Human Relations