Help your students master the keyboarding and word processing skills they need for career success! The Eighteenth Edition of KEYBOARDING AND WORD PROCESSING COMPLETE COURSE, LESSONS 1-120 uses proven techniques to guide students from initial new-key learning to expertise in creating business documents with Microsoft Word 2010. South-Western College Keyboarding offers a time-tested pedagogy that helps students develop a strong foundation in basic keyboarding, steadily improve their skills, and rapidly become proficient in document formatting, proofreading, and business communication. Each lesson is clearly focused, well structured, and designed to provide step-by-step training and reinforcement to help students quickly acquire and apply new skills. Based on customer feedback, the complete course is divided into two semesters with 55 lessons each, plus a set of supplemental lessons to complete the Microsoft Office Specialist certification. This comprehensive text combines all of the lessons and learning tools you will need for your course within a space-saving easel-back format. Lessons 1-25 concentrate on building fundamental keyboarding skills by mastering the alphabetic keyboard, top-row numbers, symbols, and the numeric keypad. Lessons 26-55 teach the basics of document formats and word processing, including block and modified block letters, memos, tables, and graphics. Lessons 56-110 cover document design, mail merge, advanced graphics, meeting documents and collaboration, legal and medical documents, and employment documents. The final 10 lessons include material to help students pursue Microsoft Office Specialist certification. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
The text includes 15 modular projects and three comprehensive projects to help you apply what you learn and prepare you to be productive from day one when beginning your professional career.
Keyboarding and Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Package
This comprehensive text provides three semesters of keyboarding and word processing instruction.
Susie H. Vanhuss, Connie M. Forde, Donna L. Woo, Vicki Robertson. Lesson 4 Left shift, H, t, period LEsson 4 LEft sHIft, H, t, pERIod moduLE 1 4e t and . (period) t Reach up with left. Warmup Lesson 4a Warmup home row 1 e/i/n 2 all ...
GDP/11 is an integrated keyboarding system designed to process and score documents created in Microsoft Word. Together, the book and software systematically lead students through each lesson to provide an easy path to success.
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM and 3.5" disks that will work with your current computer setup.
... Grannan Graphic Design Ltd. Acquisitions Editor / Project Manager : Jane Phelan Marketing Coordinator : Lori Pegg Cover Designer : Paul Neff Design Manufacturing Coordinator : Charlene Taylor Consulting Editors : Diane Durkee Becky ...
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM that will work with your current computer setup.
Gregg College Keyboarding & Document Processing (GDP); Lessons 1-60 text
Use this text, with our Keyboarding Pro software that provides videos, 3-D models and animation, and skillbuilding games, to build strong keyboarding foundations.