Designed to help develop the knowledge and skills that will be demanded on the job as an office assistant. Also designed to develop communication, human relations, and time and stress management skills. Provides a reference for users for rules of grammar, punctuation, capitalization, and proofreaders marks.
A one-stop reference and user guide to Microsoft Office 2000 Premium Suite. The book with its copious screen shots, shows users each step they need to make to accomplish their objectives.
A guide to the integrated software offers advice on customizing Office, protecting documents from viruses and crashes, and maximizing the potential of the latest upgrades
BWriting Excel Macro - making Fri 02/04/2000 From : Anne Frantz ( 7 items ) From : Annette Hargis ( 1 item ) 1210 Items , 1 Unread 4 Rules Wizard Previously available in Outlook 97 as an add. 233 Upgrading to Microsoft Outlook 2000.
Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman series, this workbook is intended as a supplement to the market-leading Microsoft Office 2000 Introductory Concepts and Techniques book.
Part of the highly successful Shelly Cashman Series, this brief text offers a screen-by-screen, step-by-step approach to learning basic Microsoft Office 2000 skills.
The Ultimate Guide to the Best-Selling Office Suite! Expand the power of the #1 integrated software suite with help from the best, most comprehensive guide available - Office 2000: The Complete Reference.
Featuring advanced tips and methods, this book goes way beyond the norm -- a must-have for every Internet-savvy Office user.
Part of the Illustrated Series, this text offers a quick, visual, step-by-step approach for learning the basics of the Microsoft Office 2000 Professional package.
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This version of the book will take a more pure reference approach, with alphabetical listings, "also known as" entries, and "quick tips" to instruct readers on the new features of Office 2000.