In today's world of people doing business anytime, anywhere from PC's and laptops, proper keyboarding skills are essential. While solid keyboarding skills never change, the applications and software do. That's why Century 21 Keyboarding not only teaches users the fundamentals, it also keeps them current with new technology-a reputation it's held for more than 75 years.
The new sixth edition is the best edition ever with an all-new colorful layout, revamped text content supported by three exceptional software packages (MicroType Pro, MLS Century 21 Multimedia, and Document Checker), cross-curricular themes ...
Third edition of keyboarding text for lower- and middle-secondary school students, first published in 1983.
In today's world of people doing business anytime, anywhere from PC's and laptops, proper keyboarding skills are essential.
Ruler to accompany Century 21 Keyboarding & Information Processing 6E and Century 21 Keyboarding Book One.
Drills and exercises develop the student's skills in using typewriters, numeric pads, and computer keyboards and terminals
Century 21 Keyboarding and Information Processing, Placement and Performance Tests
Century 21 Keyboarding & Information Processing
Century 21 Keyboarding & Information Processing--Book One gives appropriate attention to keying and formatting and lays a foundation for information processing.
Century 21 Keyboarding & Information Processing: Manual
Century 21 Keyboarding and Information Processing, Placement and Performance Tests