Designed to teach keyboarding, formatting, and document production on typewriters.
This enhanced General Series consists of Lessons 1-180. This text is exclusively designed for the typewriter user. The Series consists of the Introductory Course Book, Lessons 1-60 and the Complete Course Book, Lessons 1-180.
Preface R COLLEGE KEYBOARDING WITH MICROSOFT WORD 6.0 / 7.0 is a winning combination . ... Windows not only makes it easy to learn how to use word processing software effectively , but it also facilitates the transfer of that skill to ...
Books in Print
No matter what career aspirations you may have, keyboarding and computer skills are essential for success in today's technology-driven business environment.
Lessons 1-60 Susie H. VanHuss, Connie M. Forde, C. H. Duncan, Donna L. Woo. 4a SKILL BUILDING WARMUP home row GETTING st a rte d each line twice SS ; keep eyes on COPY 1 al as ads as ads lad dad fad jak fall lass asks fads all ; e / i ...
Early Percussion Instruments from the Middle Ages to the Baroque by James Blades and Jeremy Montagu (Oxford University Press). ... A Practical Guide to Percussion Terminology by Russ Girsberger (Meredith Music Publications).
A textbook for a two-semester general course in typewriting for the secondary school. Includes formatting of correspondence, reports, tables, and other forms.
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM and 3.5" disks that will work with your current computer setup.
This interactive and engaging software teaches new key learning while combining skillbuilding for your keyboarding situation.
This interactive and engaging software teaches new key learning while combining skillbuilding for your keyboarding situation. Keyboarding Pro 4 combines the latest technology with South-Western's superior method for teaching keyboarding.