The Sports Connection reinforces essential application skills, such as word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and electronic presentation. This intermediate/advanced simulation is different from other typical document production simulations in that it provides students unique opportunities to go beyond the basics as they apply creativity in problem solving, decision making, flexibility, and more.
The Sports Connection follows this commonly accepted business practice by: • Providing a logo on disk for use in document preparation. • Standardizing document format (i.e., block letter style with open punctuation, ...
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The Sports Connection reinforces essential application skills, such as word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and electronic presentation.
The Sports Connection reinforces essential application skills, such as word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database, and electronic presentation.
Go beyond the basics of computer applications with THE SPORTS CONNECTION: INTEGRATED SIMULATION FOR MICROSOFT OFFICE 2003 and its accompanying Data CD-ROM.
Integrated Simulation Susie H. VanHuss, Connie Forde. SOUTH - WESTERN THOMSON LEARNING The Sports Connection Integrated Simulation 10 Microsoft Office 2000 Van Huss . Forde QR The Sports Connection Integrated Simulation Microsoft Office ...
Feature-packed, Sports Connection reinforces the essential application skills such as word processing and desktop publishing skills, spreadheets, databases, and electronic presentations.
This integrated simulation reinforces essential applications skills, such as word processing, desktop publishing, spreadsheet, database and electronic presentations specific to Microsoft Office XP. This simulation provides students unique ...
SOUTH - WESTERN Instructor's Manual : The Sports Connection , Integrated Simulation : Microsoft® Office XP by Susie H. VanHuss and Connie M. Forde VP / Editorial Director : Jack W. Calhoun Marketing Manager : Lori Pegg Cover Designer ...
Combining the highly successful textbook with the latest software gives you the advantage of teaching with the great features you know from the current book with the new features of these new software upgrades.