Intermediate Algebra

Intermediate Algebra
Intermediate Algebra
Cengage Learning
Karen Schwitters, Jerome Kaufmann


INTERMEDIATE ALGEBRA, International Edition employs a proven, three-step problem-solving approach—learn a skill, use the skill to solve equations, and then use the equations to solve application problems—to keep students focused on building skills and reinforcing them through practice. This simple and straightforward approach, in an easy-to-read format, has helped many students grasp and apply fundamental problem-solving skills. The carefully structured pedagogy includes learning objectives, detailed examples to develop concepts, practice exercises, an extensive selection of problem-set exercises, and well-organized end-of-chapter reviews and assessments. The clean and uncluttered design helps keep students focused on the concepts while minimizing distractions.Problems and examples reference a broad array of topics, as well as career areas such as electronics, mechanics, and health, showing students that mathematics is part of everyday life. Also, as recommended by the American Mathematical Association of Two-Year Colleges, many basic geometric concepts are integrated in problem-solving scenarios. The text's resource package—anchored by Enhanced WebAssign, an online homework management tool—saves instructors time while also providing additional help and skill-building practice for students outside of class.

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