Are you in touch with your customers? Responsive to their needs? Do you allow their voice to define your company's objectives? If not, take note: Your customer has the information you need ... TO SURVIVE. If you don't tap into this valuable resource, you'll be unable to meet the ever-increasing levels of customer expectation. If you're not sure how you measure up, start reading this book, now. Learn how to implement a customer satisfaction measurement and management program that permeates every level of your company. You'll capture the customer ideas and inputs that elude traditional research methods and harvest the information you need to focus on customer-defined priorities. Naumann and Giel show you, step by step, how to retrieve and utilize this vital customer information: Becoming truly customer driven is essential for survival in the 21st century.
Improving Customer Satisfaction, Loyalty And Profit: An Integrated Measurement And Management System
A Book in the University of Michigan Business School Series It's a simple equation: no customers equals no profits. So how can a company ensure that its customers enjoy a...
... Ealing London W52AB Tel: 020 8840 2200 Surrey Research Centre Hillcrest House 51 Woodcote Road Wallington Surrey SM6 0LT Tel: 020 8647 9151 DATABASE PROVIDERS Dudley Jenkins TLS Data Eagle Direct Marketing Electric Marketing Data HQ ...
"The mysteries of every aspect of questionnaires dissolve as author Bob E. Hayes leads you systematically through the scientific methodology used to construct questionnaires." "By using his guidelines you will...
If you're looking to create a customer satisfaction system or streamline an existing one, this book is a definite must-read.
Finally, it should be mentioned that although customer satisfaction is a necessary but not a sufficient condition for the financial viability, several researches have shown that there is a significant correlation among satisfaction ...
This is the third book in a series by author Derek Allen, focusing on customer satisfaction measurement, analysis, and implementation.
The success of your business is underpinned by competitiveness and profitability, both of which are maximized in the long run by doing best what matters most to customers - this book will help you reach that goal.
It also provides the rationale, identifies opportunities, and suggests specific programs to improve the measurement of customer satisfaction in your organization.!--nl--Serving as a single reference for customer satisfaction measurement ...
Analysing complaints is a good example. Other possibilities include analysing customer defections, feedback from employees or simply monitoring whether sales are increasing. Internal metrics such as speed of solution, percentage of ...