Susie H. Vanhuss, Connie M. Forde, Donna L. Woo, Vicki Robertson. Lesson 4 Left shift, H, t, period LEsson 4 LEft sHIft, H, t, pERIod moduLE 1 4e t and . (period) t Reach up with left. Warmup Lesson 4a Warmup home row 1 e/i/n 2 all ...
The text includes six modular projects and one comprehensive project to help you apply what you learn and prepare you to be productive immediately when beginning your professional career.
Offers exercises in typing and an overview of word processing and data entry software applications.
This package includes Keyboarding and Word Processing Essentials Lessons 1-55: Microsoft Word 2016, 20th edition and access to Keyboarding in SAM 365 & 2016 with MindTap Reader, 55 Lessons for 1 term (6 months) via printed access card.
This market-leading text provides the tools you need to develop expertise in keyboarding, document formatting, and essential word processing skills using Microsoft Word 2013.
Perfect for an introductory word processing course, this text also includes capstone projects that reinforce lesson concepts.
The ninth edition of this industry leader provides a highly flexible format on CD-ROM and 3.5" disks that will work with your current computer setup.
Keyboarding and Word Processing, Complete Course, Lessons 1-120 Package
Keyboarding and Word Processing Lessons 1-60: College Keyboarding Loose Pack
This book uses Microsoft Word 97 to teach word processing concepts in a series of simple lessons that avoid high-tech computer lingo.