The Nature of Conflict in Public Gardens

Conflict management
Matt Stephens


This research focused on conflict between front line and administrative staff with the goal of assessing why conflict between front line and administrative staff exists in public gardens. The literature review revealed minimal existing research on the topic of conflict in public gardens, and that conflict research in other industries is prevalent. The research was a mixed methods design; two case studies at separate public gardens and an online questionnaire. Both case studies consisted of separate focus groups and individual interviews with front line and administrative staff. Questionnaire results also came from front line and administrative staff members. After data collection, the results were placed into similar categories outlined by the Malcolm Baldrige Standards, an internationally recognized assessment tool for excellence. The data collected and Malcolm Baldrige Standards indicate that conflict occurs when there is an unclear mission and/or vision, when communication methods are ineffective, when behaviors are not consistent with organizational expectations and values, when empowerment of front line staff does not exist, and when there are low levels of trust between front line and administrative staff members. Essentially, conflict occurs when there are organizational problems or systems that do not work. Lastly, recommendations have been included that should help reduce negative conflict in public gardens, and if followed, should move an organization toward a higher standard of excellence.

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