Examining four icons of black womanhood---the predatory woman in Ann Petry's The Street (1941) and Dorothy West's The Living Is Easy (1948), the minstrel in Zora Neale Hurston's Seraph on the Suwanee (1948), the neurotic in Curtis Lucas' Third Ward Newark (1946), and the race woman in Gwendolyn Brooks' Maud Martha (1953) and the black press---I attempt to demonstrate how black women negotiate stereotypes of sexual promiscuity to achieve subjectivity through artistic performance, economic independence, and political activism. In deviations from the school of social realism (including the middle-class domestic novel, pulp fiction, and a white-plot text), each character tries to actualize a new model of black social protest by rejecting the supposed pathology of black female sexuality in her expression and repression of personal and political desire. Thus, black women articulate a discourse of "protesting subjectivity" in their revision, rejection, and negotiation of bourgeois ideals of black womanhood.
Ottawa Law Review 13 : 1-22 Anderson , Karen 1987 " Historical Perspectives on the Family " : 21–39 in K. Anderson et al . , eds . , Family Matters . Toronto : Methuen Anderson , Karen , H. Armstrong , P. Armstrong , J. Drakich ...
This clearly written book introduces readers to both the discipline of sociology and to the specific area of gender roles at the same time.
Second , the supply or “ pool ” of women candidates for positions is relatively inferior in quality as well as in numbers to the pool of male candidates ; this argued ... 3Helen S. Astin and Alan E. Bayer , “ Sex Myths about Women 371.
Marshall , Lorna ( 1961 ) ' Sharing , Talking and Giving ' . In Africa , 32 , 231-52 . Martin , Susan ( 1988 ) Palm Oil and Protest : An Economic History of the Ngwa Region , South - Eastern Nigeria , 1800-1980 .
Latin American Women's History: The National Period
Male and Female: Choosing Your Role in Modern Society
Ancey , G. 1983. Monnaie et structures d'exploitations en Pays Mossi ... Austin , G. 1993. Human pawning in Asante , 1800-1950 : Markets and coercion ... Bassett , T. J. , and D. Crummey . 1993. Land in African agrarian systems .
" With "Eve's Seed," McElvaine offers unsettling insights into many of our most time-honored notions of ourselves and the "natural order," This book will compel everyone who reads it to view the world in a radically new light.
Male and Female: Choosing Your Role in Modern Society