Two conflict-resolution experts describe the power dynamics that are at the root of all workplace conflicts and offer strategies to help determine where you stand, negotiate a dispute and reach the best resolution. 20,000 first printing.
In Making Things Right at Work, Dr. Gary Chapman, #1 New York Times bestselling author of The 5 Love Languages®, is joined by business consultants Dr. Jennifer Thomas and Dr. Paul White to offer the strategies you need to restore harmony ...
Hamilton and Seaman wrote this book to give you the tools to talk through and mend unresolved issues that may have surfaced in your personal relationships.
The Everybody Wins Approach to Conflict Resolution Diane Katz. “noestick” approach to work—the effort to bounce blame off of oneself and attach it to someone else. How often do you read emails or sit at meetings in which people use ...
Informed by eight mediation concepts developed and used by the authors in their practice, the process outlined in this book will allow divorcing couples to deal rationally with the issues rather than allowing fear, anger, and grief to ...
Part of the acclaimed, bestselling Big Books series, this guide offers step-by-step directions and customizable tools that empower you to heal rifts arising from ineffective communication, cultural/personality clashes, and other specific ...
—ALFRED P. SLOAN, AS QUOTED BY PETER DRUCKER IN THE EFFECTIVE EXECUTIVE (OXFORD: ELSEVIER, 2007) Resolving Level 1, “Problems to solve,” calls for clear communication skills and a collaborative solution-seeking approach.
Environmental and natural resource policy decision making is changing. Increasingly citizens and management agency personnel are seeking ways to do things differently; to participate meaningfully in the decision making process...
You deserve better. You can get the results you need and want, AND strengthen relationships. This book will provide you with a buffet of tools.
The Handbook of Conflict Resolution, Second Edition is written for both the seasoned professional and the student who wants to deepen their understanding of the processes involved in conflicts and their knowledge of how to manage them ...
The HBR Guide to Dealing with Conflict will give you the advice you need to: Understand the most common sources of conflict Explore your options for addressing a disagreement Recognize whether you--and your counterpart--typically seek or ...