CliffsTestPrep CSET: Multiple Subjects

CliffsTestPrep CSET: Multiple Subjects
CliffsTestPrep CSET
Study Aids
Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
Jerry Bobrow, Stephen Fisher


The CliffsTestPrep series offers full-length practice exams that simulate the real tests; proven test-taking strategies to increase your chances at doing well; and thorough review exercises to help fill in any knowledge gaps. CliffsTestPrep CSET can help you prepare for the California Subject Examination Test: Multiple Subjects. The Commission on Teacher Credentialing uses the CSET to evaluate subject matter competence for instructors seeking the Multiple Subject Teaching Credential. Inside this test prep tool, you'll find Full-length practice tests with answers and in-depth explanations Analysis of exam areas and question types with emphasis on suggested approaches and samples Intensive review of subjects using outlines, glossaries, and diagnostic tests Introduction to the format and scoring of the exam, overall strategies for answering multiple-choice questions, and questions commonly asked about the CSET Some test-taking tips and reminders to put candidates on the right track This book will help you understand the types of questions that will test your knowledge in seven general areas, including Visual and Performing Arts. You can get ready to show what you know in topics such as Sentence structure, preferred usage, and conventional forms of spelling, capitalization, and punctuation in written English United States and California history of early exploration through modern-day economic, political, and cultural development The fundamentals of mathematics with focus on prime numbers, factors, integers, ratio, area, volume, perpendicular, and more Primary scientific concepts, principles, and interrelationships in the context of real-life problems and significant science phenomena and issues Concepts of biomechanics that affect movement and the critical elements of basic movement skills Social development of children and young adolescents, including persons with special needs Components of dance, music, theatre, and visuals arts education With guidance from the CliffsTestPrep series, you'll feel at home in any standardized-test environment! (For additional help, be sure to visit the Test Prep Think Tank for free online resources.)

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