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Scholars and researchers interested in the work of Berlin, liberalism, value pluralism, and related ideas will find this a stimulating and valuable source.
Considers the presentation of stateless order in the works of writers who epitomized the "classical" traditon of anarchist thought.
In this new book George Crowder examines some of the leading responses to multiculturalism, both supportive and critical, found in the work of recent political theorists.
An accessible introduction to the ideas of Isaiah Berlin, this work argues that Berlin's critique of the modern enemies of liberty is exciting and powerful, but also that the coherence of his thought is threatened by a tension between its ...
CSET Physical Education
Fans of Jennifer Chiaverini's Elm Creek Quilts series can now stitch up the quilts inspired by her last six novels.
Your guide to a higher score on CBEST ®: California Basic Education Skills Test Why CliffsNotes?
This is the first book-length defence of liberalism on the basis of value pluralism, complementing and extending the work of Berlin and others.
Featuring contributions from leading international academics and practitioners, Credit Risk: Models, Derivatives, and Management illustrates how a risk management system can be implemented through an understanding of portfolio credit risks, ...
Isaiah Berlin is widely acknowledged as a major figure in twentieth-century political philosophy and the history of ideas. His famous Oxford inaugural lecture, Two Concepts of Liberty, especially the last,...