Your guide to passing the Foreign Service Officer Exam Why CliffsTestPrep Guides? Go with the name you know and trust Get the information you need--fast! Written by test prep specialists Introduction * Review of how the exam is organized, along with answers to frequently asked questions Part I: Written Exam: The Job Knowledge Test * Descriptions of the five general career track knowledge areas--management, consular, economic, political, and public diplomacy * Question-and-answer subject review chapters for the eight job topic areas, along with mini-tests after each subject review * A sample Job Knowledge test with complete answers and explanations Part II: Written Exam: The English Expression Test * Grammar and usage review * Two sample English Expression tests with complete answers and explanations Part III: Written Exam: The Biographic Information Questionnaire * General information on this section of the exam, plus helpful sample questions Part IV: Written Exam: Written Essay * Overview of the Written Essay portion of the exam, plus sample essay topics for practice * Direction on how to effectively prewrite, outline, organize, edit, and revise your essay Part V: Oral Assessment * Overview of the Oral Assessment portion of the exam and the categories in which you'll be assessed Test Prep Essentials from the Experts at CliffsNotes? An American BookWorks Corporation Project Contributors: Deborah Barrett, PhD; Elaine Bender, MA; Phillip Gay, PhD; Freddy Lee, PhD; Val Limburg, PhD; Tandy McConnell, PhD; Edward Miller, PhD; Deborah Grayson Riegel, MA; Sharon Saronson, MFA, MA; Brice Sloan, BA; Jonathan Weber, BA; Mark Weinfeld, MA
This comprehensive study guide includes: Quick Overview Test-Taking Strategies Introduction Correct Grammar, Organization, Writing Strategy, Sentence Structure, and Punctuation Required for Writing or Editing Reports U.S. Government U.S. ...
***Includes FSOT Practice Test Questions*** Want to get a great score on the Foreign Service Officer Test without weeks and months of endless studying? Then FSOT Secrets Study Guide is the resource you need.
This book provides reflections and perspectives on the realities of Foreign Service life as experienced by members of the Foreign Service community around the world.
Full-Length Practice Test Step-by-Step Review Video Tutorials
Two practice tests with answers help you fine-tune your skills. This guide gives you the information and practice you need to improve your score—fast!
This FSOT study guide combines theory and practice questions so that students are fully prepared before writing the exam. While other guides only provide around 100 questions, this guide has 400 questions along with answer explanations.
FSOT Practice Questions are the simplest way to prepare for the FSOT test. Practice is an essential part of preparing for a test and improving a test taker's chance of success.
Some teens resent curfews, and civilliberties groups have challenged the legality of curfew ordinances, claiming that they are unconstitutional. The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), many teenagers and some parents argue that the ...
" In this third edition Kopp and Naland, both of whom had distinguished careers in the field, provide an authoritative and candid account of the foreign service, exploring the five career tracks--consular, political, economic, management, ...
In no time, you'll be ready to tackle other concepts in this book such as Planning and organizing Staffing and directing Managing change Decision making and problem solving Motivating and communicating CliffsQuickReview Principles of ...