Designed with New York State high school students in mind. CliffsTestPrep is the only hands-on workbook that lets you study, review, and answer practice Regents exam questions on the topics you're learning as you go. Then, you can use it again as a refresher to prepare for the Regents exam by taking a full-length practice test. Concise answer explanations immediately follow each question--so everything you need is right there at your fingertips. You'll get comfortable with the structure of the actual exam while also pinpointing areas where you need further review. About the contents: Inside this workbook, you'll get an introduction and a lesson on writing essays. You'll also find sequential, topic-specific test questions with fully explained answers for each of the following sections: Listening and writing for information and understanding Reading and writing for information and understanding Reading and writing for literary response Reading and writing for critical analysis and evaluation A full-length practice test at the end of the book is made up of questions culled from multiple past Regents exams. Use it to identify your weaknesses, and then go back to those sections for more study. It's that easy! The only review-as-you-go workbook for the New York State Regents exam.
You'll get comfortable with the structure of the actual exam while also pinpointing areas where you need further review. About the contents: Inside this workbook, you'll get an introduction and a short lesson on writing essays.
Regents English Workbook
About the contents: Inside this workbook, you'll find sequential, topic-specific test questions with fully explained answers for each of the following subjects: World History Geography Economics Civics, Citizenship, and Government A full ...
Regents English Workbook: Advanced
Reading Comprehension Passage A Brooklyn (1)Eilis Lacey, sitting at the window of the upstairs living room in the (2) house on Friary Street, noticed her sister walking briskly from work. She (3) watched Rose crossing the street from ...
About the contents: Inside this workbook, you'll find sequential, topic-specific test questions with fully explained answers for each of the following sections: Organization of Life Homeostasis Genetics Ecology Evolution: Change over Time ...
Regents English Workbook: Advanced
This edition features: One actual full-length New York State Regents exam Instructions on reading prose fiction, prose nonfiction, and poetry for understanding Review of the fundamentals of essay writing and advises on writing for the ...
Regents English Workbook: Beginning
Maybe you are not sure if you are going to buy this book. Remember though, it only a few percentage points divide the PASS from the FAIL students! Even if our test tips increase your score by a few percentage points, isn't that worth it?