A spiffy guide to anything and everything a girl could need to know! How to do almost anything in one handy little book! Want to be known for your unique style? Inside you'll learn how to design your own clothes (p. 35), do the perfect manicure (p. 82), or make your own lip gloss (p. 11). Feel like impressing your friends? Show them how you can make a crystal (p. 16), juggle one-handed (p. 33), or deal with a bully (p. 42). Bored and need something to do? Not anymore when you find out how to keep a secret diary (p. 88), make a scrapbook (p. 9), or put together a dance routine (p. 24). And tons of other neat-o things you need to know how to do!
A latest entry in the series that includes The Girls' Book of Excellence counsels girls on the secrets of positive friendships, sharing tips on a wide range of topics from making new acquaintances and resolving arguments to helping those in ...
"The Girls' Book of Secrets" is a real treasure that girls will have fun filling out now and enjoy looking back on in the years to come.
The girls' book of glamour: a guide to being a goddess / written by Sally Jeffrie; illustrated by Nellie Ryan; edited by Liz Scoggins; designed by Zoe Quayle. — 1st American ed. p. cm. “First published in Great Britain in 2008 by Buster ...
More great activities, games and things to make and do that will keep girls busy for hours on end.
Ruby is fond of trash TV and has a passion for local history. Rose has always wanted to be a writer, and as the novel opens, she begins to pen her autobiography. Here is how she begins: I have never looked into my sister’s eyes.
In this book, girls will find tips on how they can be the best at everything.
Revisit old favorites and discover even more facts and stories. The perfect pocket book for any girl on a quest for knowledge. Includes New Chapters + the Best Wisdom & Wonder from The Daring Book for Girls
Discusses the physical and emotional transitions that boys undergo during puberty, including growth spurts, voice changes, sexual development, peer pressure, dating, and new relationships within the family.
Jam packed with boredom-busting activities and tremendous tips for being the best, this book guarantees excellent fun for girls everywhere.
Do you want to climb a mountain? Drive a fire engine? Become prime minister? Join the girls in the pages of this book to see the incredible things they do every day and find out what you might like to do, too!