Developed in partnership with teachers and students to meet the learning, study, and assessment goals essential to learner success, THE CHALLENGE OF DEMOCRACY, STUDENT CHOICE, 2e incorporates to-the-point coverage, eliminates extraneous material, and integrates pedagogy that reinforces key concepts. Incorporating the very latest research and events central to American politics, the text thoroughly explores freedom, order, and equality as political values; the majoritarianism vs. pluralism debate; and globalization's effect on American politics. Extensively updated, the Second Edition is packed with new examples, figures, data, and current discussions, including a balanced retrospective of the Bush presidency as well as new comparative features that place the United States in a global context. In addition, online learning environment engages learners in the political process through a variety of media.
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics
The Challenge of Democracy: Government in America
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics, Instructor's Edition
Islam and the Challenge of Democracy aims to correct this deficiency. The book engages the reader in a rich discourse on the challenges of democracy in contemporary Islam.
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics
Horowitz , Robert Britt , Ch . 17 , n.38 Hosansky , David , Ch . 10 , n.4 Hosti , Ole , Ch . 20 , n.47 Howard , Philip K. ... Ernest R. , Ch . 12 , n.61 Mayer , Jane , Ch . 14 , n.2 Mayer , William G. , Ch . 9 , n.25 Mayhew , David R.
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics the Essentials
"This Brief Edition retains the popular themes of the full-length text: the conflict among the values of freedom, order, and equality, and the tensions between pluralist and majoritarian visions of democracy.