Ms. Shelby's third-grade girls are so excited about her upcoming wedding that they start a wedding planning competition, which drives a wedge between best friends Nikki and Deja, the two whose names were drawn to attend the event.
"Starr’s grandmother, Abuela, has big news: she’s in love!
This story is a marvelous study of the agony of adolescence and of wanting to be part of something larger and more accepting than yourself.
THE STORY : The entire action of the play takes place in Kandall Kingsley's beautiful and mysterious garden.
In this book, Rush Rehm considers how and why the conflation of the two ceremonies comes to theatrical life in the tragedies of Aeschylus, Sophokles, and Euripides.
Jerry and Molly Schiff are the only non-celebrities in their Malibu neighborhood; in fact, their shabby beachfront ranch is next to Barbra Striesand's mansion.
"Originally produced by Joseph and Daniel Corcoran in association with Artificial Intelligence.
Did you see where Mr. Churchill said Greer Garson's done more for the war effort than six divisions of fighting men? ViOlet. Oh, Laura Lee, you won't believe. Every shop we went into, they had piles of stuff stacked up they could be ...
The Wedding: Drama
Parted on Her Wedding Morn: Or, More to be Pitied Than Scorned
You are invited to join in the wedding fun with Sophie, Shanti, Cora and Emily!