'I thought: opera, how hard can it be? Songs. Pretty girls dancing. Nice scenery. Lots of people handing over cash. Got to be better than the cut-throat world of yoghurt, I thought. Now everwhere I go there's...' Death, to be precise. And plenty of it. In unpleasant variations. This isn't real life - it's worse. This is the Opera House, Ankh-Morpork...a huge, rambling building, where innocent young sopranos are lured to their destiny by a strangely-familiar evil mastermind in a mask and evening dress, with a penchant for lurking in shadows, occasional murder, and sending little notes full of maniacal laughter and exclamation marks. Opera can do that to a man. But Granny Weatherwax, Discworld's most famous witch, is in the audience. And she doesn't hold with that sort of thing. So there's going to be trouble (but nevertheless a good evenin's entertainment with murders you can really hum...). And the show MUST go on.
The Opera House in Ankh-Morpork is home to music, theatrics and a harmless masked Ghost who lurks behind the scenes.
It's true, there's a ghost in the Opera House of Ankh Morpork.
All is not well in the Ankh-Morpork Opera House.
This comics collection marks the debut of legendary director Kevin Smith’s Secret Stash Press imprint with an exciting and gritty vigilante story.
Maskerade Ögonblick: Förvandlingar Av Kroppar Och Väsen i Skandinavisk Yngre Järnalder
This story is about the fetish of 'Maskers' (men who like to dress up as human dolls) and the rich and powerful in DC who look for the next hot fetish.
Your Halloween Party will be a SCREAM!
In this book, we have hand-picked the most sophisticated, unanticipated, absorbing (if not at times crackpot!), original and musing book reviews of "Maskerade.
Details the events of a crazy night at the opera house in Ankh-Morpork
Not only an artistic and breathtaking view of Lancre but also an interesting and informative guide to one of the Discworld's more, er, picturesque kingdoms.