"This book is a guide to our lving, changing planet. We journey to the rim of a great meteor crater...we travel back in time to 1930, in the icy heart of Greenland....We journey to the outer reaches of our solar system, dive to a rock erupt from the heart of the earth to form new undersea mountains and a new ocean floor. Ulimately we will come to see this planet not as a hunk of stone in space but more like a living organism -- with its own internal dynamics, exchanging gases, healing itself, increasingly dependent on a new host creature -- man-- to shape its future."-- from fly leaf.
★登月第一人阿姆斯壯唯一親授傳記★ ★普立茲歷史獎提名作者詹姆斯・韓森獨家親訪★ 完整公開歷史上最魔幻任務的冒險者生命故事 ...
The designer was Major John Wesley Powell , a man Any number of levels of scale might emerge in the future , whom one does not usually think of as a shaper of landscapes but for the present , all we can do is group the possible or even ...
First in a two-volume set describing and illustrating over 2400 species of Australian marine prosobranch gastropods including information on geographic distribution, habitat and synonymies. Provides an introduction dealing with collecting...
Paul N. Cheremisinoff B. W. Boreham. 2,067 ug m - 3 . The second lowest concentration ( 45 ug m - 3 ) has been observed at the nonurban station Sinhagad , which is a hill station . The low concentration at Sinhagad is attributed not ...
本书共九章。主要内容包括基本理论与国内外研究概况、全球气候变化与广东省气候特征、人类活动与经济社会发展趋势、表生地质环境条件与地质灾害、灾害矿物学的方法与实践、 ...
本书介绍了"大北方探险"这次最浩大的科考行动,也是人类历史上规模最大,耗时最久以及获取最多赞助的单次科考事件,其路线从圣彼得堡开始,一路向东,横穿西伯利亚,最终跨海远行 ...
盤古大陸是什麼?大陸到底有沒有漂移?地球上的所有陸地,是不是曾經都黏在一起?令人害怕的地震是怎麼來的?要怎麼找出震央的位置?地震的規模有多大、強度有多強,又怎麼 ...
地質學家要如何解讀地球歷史、為地球測定年齡?化石是怎麼生成的?對我們瞭解地球的過去有何助益? ...
身上拂過的風,抬頭仰望的星空,不再只是充滿詩意與哲理的想像,對於其中的變化,更能了了分明,沒有疑惑。 ...
1)计算机操作系统。这是由厂家提供的软件,与一般计算机组成中的操作系统概念一致,解析测图仪的实时程序与应用程序由它负责管理和支持。 2)摄影测量系统。它包括实时程序和应用程序。(1)实时程序的计算速度应大于30周/s,即从极高的频率实现重复计算。