Arriving in the Massachusetts Bay Colony from Scotland, Bridie is thrilled to be reunited with her parents, but the spirited lass refuses to conform to the strict rules of the colony. Original.
Sixteen-year-old Ann and her twin brother, John, are dedicated to the cause of American independence, but when Ann falls in love with a British soldier, her resolve is tested. Original.
Contains entries for approximately 1500 books published from 1988-1992 and ten indexes to their series, awards, time periods, locales, subjects, characters names and descriptions, audience age levels, authors, and titles.
“ Without having to peel you like a potato to see inside . ” “ Nobody's going to peel me , ” David said grimly . " What else do they have ? ” Henry asked . “ Are the Handys going to get any of those inventions over at the Ship ?
Contemporary Authors
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... Mordicai Shadow of the Wall – Laird , Christa Shadow Play ( Illus . by Jeffrey Greene ) Harter , Penny Shadow the Deer ... Mary M Sharon and Darren Gray , Nigel Sharon Plays It Cool Oliver , Diana Shattered Dreams Collins , David R ...
I'm a Prisoner in the Library а BL v87 - N 15 '90 - p626 Five Owls - v4 - Mr '90 - p69 I Hate Your Guts , Ben Brooster BL - v86 - Si '89 - 068 CBRS - v18 - Ja '90 - p54 HB Guide v1 Jl'89 - 086 SLJ - v35 - O'89 - p116 I Never Wanted to ...
Childrens Literature Review Cumulative: Title Index
Teen paperback series, routinely castigated or ignored by Young Adult librarians despite their popularity with young adults, should be considered for inclusion in collections alongside other genres. In Serious about...