A concise introduction to the complex world of Japanese Animation. This book reveals the hidden meaning behind many culture-specific themes and also explains the socio-political importance of the animation industry.
Pixar: 25 Years of Animation
It is not surprising that one of Miyazaki's favorites among the many English children's books he read is Philippa Pearce's classic fantasy Tom's Midnight Garden, about a boy who discovers a magic garden hidden in the past ...
A collection of nine short animated films set in the world of The Matrix.
本书包括了四部分内容:中国动画产业发展状况报告,中国动画消费调查报告,中国动漫产业案例分析,中国动画人访谈录.全面梳理分析中国动画产业近八年来宏观数据 ...
"Packed with true-or-false, multiple choice, and personality quizzes, superfans can test their knowledge of Disney and Pixar movies with this collection.
New York : Franklin Watts , 1982 . Parker , Steve . Science Discoveries : Marie Curie and Radium . New York : Chelsea House Publishers , 1992 . Pasachoff , Naomi . Marie Curie and the Science of Radioactivity .
本书就网络文学与动漫产业的互动发展问题进行深入研究,探讨了网络文学对动漫产业的意义,动漫产业对网络文学的影响以及网络文学与动漫产业的互动发展对青年群体的影响 ...
The Ten: Most Amazing Animated Movies (Topic: The Arts)
Everyone at the North Pole is merrily preparing for Santa's yearly sleigh ride.