We are the only species able to talk ourselves into difficulties that would not otherwise exist, from divorce to war. Here's a book full of practical suggestions on how to use our language to improve our lives.
Official Annual Journal of the Institute of General Semantics Harry L Weinberg Stuart Mayper, Robert Pula ... 7.00 * D. David Bourland , Jr. and Paul Dennithorne Johnston , Editors , To Be or Not : An E - Prime Anthology , 1992.
The Book of Radical General Semantics
Dare to Inquire: Sanity and Survival for the 21st Century and Beyond
Enriching Professional Skills Through General Semantics: Selections from the First 40 Years of Et Cetera, 1943-1983
E-prime, SigmaEOS, and the General Semantics Paradigm: Revolution, Devolution, Or Evolution?