Carlota's Legacy, rooted in a rich, historical past, this adventure-mystery finds young and accomplished art historian Michael Bennington approached at a New York jewelry auction by a pleasant enough prince and princess from Belgium who wish to engage him in a curious assignment. He must track down the whereabouts of a priceless diamond and ruby necklace the couple thought they owned, but after having theirs appraised, discovered it had somehow been switched with a cut-glass fake. Michael accepts the assignment with a heightened passion--his specialty is 19th century jewels--and is off to Mexico City where the real necklace originated. From there, he traces the path of this rare artifact to various international locales including St. Petersburg, Paris, Los Angeles and New York and ending up in Brussels where the prince and princess reside for a harrowing life-and-death finale. The quirky former owners of the necklace are all beyond belief but are historically factual nonetheless and their exotic and lurid pasts both astound and captivate the reader.
Akribisch hat Warburg die musikalische Ausstattung der Feste , die technische Umsetzung , die Bühnenbilder , aber eben auch die Schneiderrechnungen untersucht , die für die aufwendigen Kostüme gestellt wurden .
Aby Warburg: im Bannkreis der Ideen
Pauli , seit 1817 Erzbischöfliches Palais ; Kapelle 1936 neu gestaltet ( Dehio , Franken 1979 , 92 ) Ehemalige Kurie Conti ( erbaut 1588–1609 für Julius Ludwig Echter , Ausstattung der Kapelle um 1700 ) , seit 1821 Bischöfliches Palais ...
James Lees-Milne is remembered for his work for the National Trust, rescuing some of England's greatest architectural treasures.
Focusing on the period 1896-1918, this is the first in-depth, book-length study of his response to German political, social and cultural modernism.
Learning to Look
It begins with a tantalizing clue: a recent photograph taken of Raphael's Portrait of a Young Man--one of the most priceless masterworks ever plundered by the Nazis, which disappeared and was believed destroyed.
This is the story of their intense and trouble relationship, of the women in their lives and their work, of art and hysteria, love and seduction and their sons - born the same year but whose lives take very different paths.
Kenneth Clark's first volume of autobiography.
Aby Warburg: An Intellectual Biography. with a Memoir on the History of the Library