This book collects essays from Chinese economic sage who was the mastermind of the reform and opening and persistent champion of market-driven development.
published: 18 August 2021 doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.724768 Commentary: We Need to Change: Integrating Psychological Perspectives Into the Multilevel Perspective on Socio-Ecological Transformations Daniel Hanss* Department of Social ...
Understanding how this will occur is the basis for understanding the fourth great transformation: our creation of a new human species using artificial intelligence and genetic engineering.
The Power of Market Fundamentalism extends economist Karl Polanyi's work to explain why these dangerous utopian ideas have become the dominant economic ideology of our time.
Written from the unique perspective of his daughter, From the Great Transformation to the Great Financialization is an essential contribution to our understanding of the evolution and contemporary significance of Karl Polanyi's work, and ...
... 129141 Splash screens , 121 Sports on the Web , 130 SportsLine , 100 Springer , 95 Sprint , 25 ,. tion of America ) , 78 Richardson , Charley , 55 RoadRunner , 113 Robertson Stephens , 95 Rogers Cablesystems , 113 Rolling Stones ...
Karl Polanyi's The Great Transformation is generally acclaimed as being among the most influential works of economic history in the twentieth century, and remains as vital in the current historical conjuncture as it was in his own.
... 10-11, 13,416 lmrr priests,Aryan, 6, 21 Huan. prince 0FQi, 183 Huang-Di. king ofQin, 399 Huang-Di, the Yellow Emperor. 31 , 85- I39. 449. 441 Huang L0. 442 hubris,166,169, 171 . 179, 270, 313 Hui, king ofLiang, 358, 359 Huizi.
This book is an invaluable companion to Polanyi’s masterpiece, The Great Transformation, and an essential resource for students and scholars of political economy, sociology, history and political philosophy.
Presenting a profound and far-reaching analysis of economic, ecological, social, cultural and political developments of contemporary capitalism, this book draws on the work of Karl Polanyi, and re-reads it for our times.