Coast: A Celebration of Britain's Coastal Heritage

Coast: A Celebration of Britain's Coastal Heritage
Bbc Publications
Christopher Somerville


In Coast, natural history journalist Christopher Somerville takes you on a grand tour of the outer limits of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Beautiful photography, clear maps, and evocative essays all illuminate the majesty and variety to be found where Britain meets the sea. This is, after all, the longest coastline in Europe. From the dramatic cliffs of Eastbourne's Beachy Head to the spare beauty of the Norfolk salt marshes; from the storm-wracked Cape Wrath at the edge of the Scottish Highlands to the peaceful wooded creeks of Cornwall's Helford river--whatever kind of coastal area you're drawn to, you'll find it here. For those who want to see it firsthand, Coast also features a detailed gazetteer--a region-by-region reference of places, people, activities, natural history, and historic events.

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