Cacoceria Hull. There are two species in this genus, found from Mexico to Argentina. Only C. cressoni Hull is found in Costa Rica. No key is available, and larvae are unknown. Callicera Panzer. This is a north temperate genus with ...
The latest revision of Nearctic Geron (Hall & Evenhuis, 2003) added Geron holosericeus Walker to the known ... Two species of this exclusively New World genus have been reported from Central America: P. badius (Coquillett) (Costa Rica, ...
FLIES is broken up into three parts: Life Histories, Habits and Habitats of Flies; Diversity; and Identifying and Studying Flies.
Other Volumes in Print BULLETIN OF THE CALIFORNIA INSECT SURVEY Vol . 18. ... The Muscidae of California Exclusive of Subfamilies Muscinae and Stomoxyinae . ... Bumble Bees and Cuckoo Bumble Bees of California ( Hymenoptera , Apidae ) .
The Morphology, Higher-Level Phylogeny and Classification of the Empidoidea (Diptera)
Nomenclatural Studies Toward a World List of Diptera Genus-group Names: Daniel William Coquillett
Provides information on the anatomy, habitats, food, life cycle, predators and defences of different kinds of flies (diptera), as well as on how to identify and collect them. Suggested level: primary.